Monday, February 1, 2010

"CareFree" Long Run of Bliss

Today I was my long run of the week. My head was totally in the game, and the weather was perfect. It was 32, 5 mph winds, and sunny. What more could you want?!

I rocked shorts, a long sleeve and a T-shirt. Call me crazy, but that's just how I roll. I set off on my 100 minutes of amazing-ness and started visualizing the end of my marathon right from the start. After I saw that I was running a sub-10:00 split after two miles I started to visualize the end of my run. I got to where I guessed my halfway mark would be in...30 minutes. So, I decided to veer off of the roads I know into the ones I don't know. The names made me happy. The neighborhoods are "Carefree North/South" and a few of my favorite street names are: Sunshine Way, Leisure Ln, Restin Lane, and of course, Easy St. After the 8ish mile mark the IT bands started to get tight, so I had to slow my pace down a little bit. I finished the last mile and a half hard, and felt amazing. I probably should've done a longer cool down, but chocolate milk and a chewy bar were calling my name. Today I realized I need to start setting up hydrating stations and running with GU or the snazzy energy jelly beans. I was hurting for energy towards the end, and I think an energy boost and some water would've done wonders for my over all pace. I guess we'll see on my next long run!

Tomorrow I'm starting the "One Hundred Push Ups" workout plan. I'm terrible at push ups, and I need to build up my arms and why not work on both at the same time?! I'll be spending more time on the road and less time in the gym, so this will be a great way to build up my arms. Tomorrow I'm also going to rock out in a yoga class! My legs and butt will REALLY appreciate it! I'm excited!

February is the month for change and butt kicking training, and I think I've started the month of great! =)

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