Friday, January 29, 2010

Banished to the Indoors...Again...

Mother Nature hates me. Sunday's amazing run outside was a HUGE tease. I'm pretty sure Greenwood hasn't seen anything above freezing since then. *sighs*

Monday was a rest day, followed by....a rest day. I'm lame, I know. I did some stretching at home, but nothing toooo intense. Wednesday was my "attempt" as getting back into things. I did yoga, which was fantastic! I felt like a new woman! Then in the evening...I lifted weights. I hadn't really lifted in awhile, but things went really well. I worked on my arms and back. Then I hopped on the erg. That was gross. I planned on doing 5x500m with the fan on four. Well, I made it two before I called it quits. My body got fatigued really quick. So...I figured I'd fight it off with a run. HA! I died about a half mile sad. I called it quits after that.

Today, Friday, thank goodness. I got off work early, so I got to workout! WOOT! I headed to the gym determined to blow yesterday's crap out of the water. I did. I hopped on the bike for a seven minute warm up, and that was only the beginning. The warm up felt great. I hopped off, did a little bit of stretching, and then was back on for 60 minutes of "random hills." I was happily in front of a TV that was showing ESPN, so I was a happy camper. The minutes ticked by slowly when the resistance was low and my legs were flying. I felt a little out of control, which I don't like, and I think that's why the minutes when by so slowly. As soon as the resistance kicked in just a little bit the minutes flew. My legs were working, I was squinting to read the latest baseball news, and I was sweating. It was glorious! The "hills" were intense! My quads were tight and burning, but I pushed through. If I'm going to survive Mt Adams in Cincinnati there can be no excuses. I will dominate that hill when I get to it.

All in all...Sunday and today rocked my world. The other days were just days. Tomorrow will be even better. I know it! Happy Friday night everyone! =)

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Really Love Long Runs

Okay, between my job searching, working a crappy job and training I'm not updating as often as I originally planned. Sorry! I promise not to let it go over a week though!

So, BIG NEWS! I've registered for my marathon!!! I will be running the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati, on May 2. I'm PUMPED! I've got a lot of friends in Ohio and it's close to home, so I'm excited to have a support group cheering me on. My best friend will be making her way out from DC to celebrate her birthday and my first marathon. She rocks!

Training is going pretty well. I'm still doing more cross training than most training schedules recommend. I biked 15 miles last Tuesday, and felt fantastic. My leg muscles have been impressing me since they seem to never get sore (knock on wood). I erged 7k+ Friday, and that was a big lung test. Since you work you're whole body, chest muscles included, it's a great challenge as an asthmatic. The endurance of rocking out a 7k is great for your arms, shoulders, back and legs. There was a tad of soreness after that workout because I didn't stretch very well. Saturday I did a little bit of lifting to help beef up my arms. I need strong arms to help me get through the 26.2 mile adventure I have ahead of me.

Sunday Run Day! Sunday was the 80 minute run. I was a little put off by it Saturday since the forecast was telling me there would be tons of rain and wind. Pfft. See if I ever listen to the weather guys again. It was almost 50, sort of windy on the open roads, and I got sprinkled on for maybe 6 minutes of the run. It was FANTASTIC! I knocked out 7.5 miles in 72.5 minutes, and jogged out the last 8 minutes as a cool down. I was so impressed with my killer run and reaching my house 8 minutes earlier than expected that I was okay using those minutes as a cool down. My right ankle, aka the healthy one, started getting angry 25 minutes in. That was a bummer...but I was running in an older neighborhood with concrete streets. Once I got back on to asphalt my ankle was much less angry with me. My lungs held up great on the first outside run of the year. The only thing that really hurt was my IT bands in the last five minutes. They were SO tight. My 20 minutes of stretching helped with that, thank goodness!

After the awesome run yesterday I'm really looking forward to the 100 minute run next weekend! After next weekend It'll be time to rock the two hour runs. WOOT! I'm excited!

Well, I'm off to rest up for yoga! Good night running people!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Cause I'm Supporting

I realized that I haven't told you the most important part of my training! I'm raising money for To Write Love On Her Arms. This cause means the world to me because it hits very close to home. I've had friends struggle with self-abuse, and I helped them see that "rescue is possible." I didn't want to follow a trend and join Team in Training and raise money for such a huge cause that I'm not personally affected by. I'm not saying that it's not a good cause by any means because it is. I just want to help something that means so much to me. Help me to help them! Please.

"Rescue is possible."

Monday, January 18, 2010

Long Runs and Chocolate Milk

Sunday was my first long run of 2010...and my first run over three miles since I left Arizona in June. I raved about it all day at work Saturday, so mentally I was totally ready. Was I physically ready? What do you think?

I'm here to tell you....I was! I set my clock for an hour and off I went. And by off I mean running on my sweet treadmill friend. I didn't want to push my little lungs too hard in the cold just yet. I was watching some extreme skiing where guys get dropped out of helicopters and then somehow made it down the most ridiculous peaks in the world; (pfft) and my friends think I'm crazy for training for a marathon! Anyway, I set my pace at a 10:56/mile just as a base because I had no clue how ready I was for a run this long. After 20 minutes my breathing was still steady and relaxed and my legs were feeling great, so I kept going at my pace. After 35 minutes I started bumping up my rate step-by-step every five minutes to push myself. 40 minutes down...45....50....55...the last 5 minutes! My body felt so much better than I had expected! A little tightness kicked in after 45 minutes, but nothing I couldn't push through. My lungs on the other hand were pissed. I was breathing deep and slow, but it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. That's what happens with little lungs and a little bit of congestion. I finished out the run, walked my two minute cool down and then checked the milage. I knocked out six miles! I impressed myself for than I can even explain! I did a little bit of stretching before I got home. Don't worry, once I got home I devoted a solid 30 minutes for stretching out my legs while I enjoyed my chocolate milk!

Chocolate milk!!! I know, it may sound weird, but that's what my rowing coach recommended my senior year. If you've never rowed before I'll be the one to tell you that it makes every single part of your body hurt. Fingers, toes, back, legs and anything else you can think of...ouch. We were instructed to drink a minimum of 100oz of water a day, but who doesn't know how important staying hydrated is? Once our winter training, erg season, kicked off we not only hated practice but our bodies hated us. That's when we got the secret. Chocolate milk and yogurt within 30-minutes of a hard workout. I know, call me crazy, but it works. Something about the sugars and proteins help your muscles start to heal so they don't feel so bad later, and the chocolate makes you feel better right away. It's amazing how great it works. I drink chocolate milk after most of my runs these days. Combined with all of the stretching I'm rarely sore. My big test will be after I do sprints Thursday morning...I'll let you know Friday if chocolate milk and stretching help prevent soreness!

Today was a rehydrated and stretch out day. My back sure did need it. I don't know what I did, but I had to bust out the Extra Strength Rapid Release Tylonol this morning because my lower back hurt so bad standing was a challenge. Hopefully after yoga and biking tomorrow morning my back will love me again. Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sugar? Who needs sugar?!

Okay, I owe you a few days worth of updates. Sorry!!! My sister's spontaneous visit threw me off.

Okay, my killer work out on Wednesday was "Glycogen Depletion."

Here's a brief note on where the workout came from. After Christmas Break my freshman year Anne Feight, our novice rowing coach, told us to get ready for glycogen depletion. We had NO clue what that meant. We got to practice and divided into "runners" and "not runners." The running group started with running three and a half miles through Oakwood and the rowers started rowing an unknown distance to us runners. We came back to to erg room tired from killing the hills only to hear "drink water and get on an erg, set it for 10,000 meters." Trust me, after that work out you will have zero energy left, and barely anything left in your body. So, why put my body through something like that again?! I want to get healthy again. After doing a workout like that I stop craving sodas and Reeses Cups (my true weakness).

I didn't kill myself quite to that extent. I ran three and a half miles and erged 4,000 meters (I had to protect my hip flexors). I did the erging first, and barely had the energy to walk up the stairs to the treadmill. However, after about four minutes of running I was at peace. I ran hard and loved every second. Don't get my wasn't easy, and I almost fell down the stairs when I was done. I love the feeling on complete exhaustion. I have never appreciated stretching and relaxing more! I stretched for 20 minutes, and then sat in the hot tub for 15 minutes and did more stretching. When I got home I had a chocolate milk and a yogurt to help kick off the recovery.


Today I hopped on the bike for a light workout. I did a seven minute warm up, stretched then did a 25 minute cardio workout. I didn't want to work my legs too hard because tomorrow is a "long run" day. I will be hitting the roads/treadmill, weather depending, for an and hour and 20 minutes tomorrow. I'm stoked! My iPod is charged up, and I've got cloths ready for either situation.

How's your training going?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Two Workouts? Anyone?

Yesterday was a nice easy no impact day. I went to the gym and swam 15 laps. I know...not too impressive, right? Well, the only reason I swim is to build up my lungs. I have athletic asthma AND really small lungs (my doctor said 80 year old cancer patients probably have more lung capacity that I do). The pressure from the water and the thick air in the room makes it hard for me to breathe, so I try to swim every so often to beef up my lungs. My ankles and knees really benefit from a no impact workout too.

Today was my first "two-a-day." This morning I went to yoga. Today we did six or seven Sun Salutations to get warmed up; and I can't even explain how much my legs, back and neck benefited from that. Then we did a series of twists to loosen up our back and squeeze the toxins out of our internal organs. It was fantastic. By far one of the most relaxing Tuesday yoga classes I've even been to.

This afternoon my killer migraine of death returned, so I decided to try working out. I sucked it up, grabbed my iPod and water...then off to LA Fitness I went. It was PACKED! I hopped on the last open bike for a warm up and watched as the treadmills were taken one by one. There were two left when I was done warming up. I chose one between two running people instead on one between two walking people. The stupid thing wouldn't let me do any workout besides "QuickStart." So, after a few frustrating minutes I gave in and just pressed the button. I ran my 2.5 miles in 25 minutes and wished I didn't have to be home for dinner. I ran faster today than I have been lately and could've kept going. I guess that's more motivation to find my dream job and get back out of Mom and Dad's, right?

Tomorrow if everything goes as expected I will do a huge glycogen depletion workout. I'll fill you in on the awesomeness tomorrow!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friends, At Last!

Sorry for the delay in posting!

I gave the treadmill another chance Friday, and guess what! We're friends! There's still a lot of ice and snow around here, so I'll be running on a treadmill for at least another week.

Friday I did a light erging warm up just to get the blood flowing. I didn't stretch as much as I probably should've (sad face), so when I was building my friendship with the treadmill I ended up having to walk some. I did the "5k Loop" workout, and ran probably 4k of it. I felt really good and luckily didn't have any trouble breathing. As an asthmatic when I'm getting back into shape my lungs are always a concern. I was good and drank some chocolate milk and did some serious stretching when I got home.

Yesterday I luckily wasn't sore, at all. A friend of mine came in for a short visit on her way back to Michigan, and after she left I was so full of energy and excitement I HAD to workout. I got to the gym and it was dead. No big deal, I knew I'd have no problem getting a treadmill in front of a TV that was showing ESPN or the Bengals v Jets game. I did a nice relaxing 20 minute stretching session. I could honestly feel my shoulder and neck tension melting out of my body, I loved it. Then I found my trusty treadmill in front of a TV showing ESPN, and set the clock for 35 minutes. The "World Strongest Man Competition" was on, and it was the most motivating event to watch, ever! I kept bumping up the speed, and the time just ticked away. I was in the zone, and nothing else in the world mattered. My body felt great, my lungs were doing their job and at a nice steady rate, and my head was clear. Bliss. After my 35 minutes of amazingness ended I decided I wasn't ready to go home yet. So, I hopped on the bike for a nice 15 minute cool down. I fluctuated the speed every minute or so so my legs wouldn't go into shock. After I finished the 15 minute cool down I was off to stretch, again. Wow. Talk about amazing. I did every leg stretch I know, and I think I might have even grown a little bit because I stretched out my back so well.

Never under estimate the power of stretching. If you have lower back pain, maybe your hamstrings/calves are tight. Make sure you stretch out all the different muscle groups because the are all connected. I'm a big fan of yoga because of the huge focus on breathing. With tiny lungs and asthma breathing is a big deal for me.

Today was a lovely rest day. Tomorrow I'll be hitting the pool to really put my little lungs to the test. Wish me luck!

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Workout of 2010

Well, before I get into how much I loved my workout you have to understand one thing about me. My friends don't only think I'm crazy because I love running so much...they think I'm crazy because no matter how cold it is I won't run in pants. I will run in running tights...rarely. I prefer the shorts, soccer socks, Under Armour, gloves and ear band style. I do have a cut off temperature though...wind chills in the single digits. I like to feel my cheeks when I get home, and I'm a big fan of my lungs. So, sadly, I was banished to the gym today.

Being banished to the gym was excellent though. I love working out when there are tons of people at the gym, and since New Years just passed EVERYONE was at the gym today. My competitive genes got fired up, I ran into people from high school, and had a great sweat. Since I was a rower in college I tend to erg (rowing machine) a lot because I know how huge of a workout it is. I did a mini pyramid workout to get my legs and lungs worked out. The pyramid was 1 min on-one min off; two min on-two min off; three min on-three min off; four min on-four min off; and back down again. I will be feeling that work out until Friday I'm pretty sure. I triiiied to run on the treadmill, but I'm so scared of falling off I run into the stupid bar. I'll give it another try or two before I cut it out of my life completely. Hopefully the temperature comes back up so I can just run outside.

For anyone who doesn't normally run or is training for a race, cross training is very important. I use erging/rowing, biking and yoga as my cross training exercises. Swimming is very beneficial as well, so I'm going to blend it into my routine this year. Cross training helps prevent injury and workout out other muscles that running doesn't. Another bonus is that it breaks up the monotony of doing the same thing everyday.