Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Running Shoes

Okay, I get WAY too excited about running shoes. It's not a girly's more of an addiction. I had to fulfill my addiction today, and luckily I had a gift card to ease the pain on my debit card. For the new decade, and future marathon training, I changed things up and went with a different company. Crazy? Nah, I'm stoked! My new life long friends are Mizuno Wave Creation 10. I will love them and wear them until their soles fall off. I'm also the proud owner of some fabulous green shorts that I am going to wear until they are called to retirement.

I still haven't picked a race yet because I'm not entirely sure where I will be, but I think the Marine Corps Marathon will be my race of choice. If not that, a Rock N Roll Marathon for sure! I've got my training schedule picked out and ready to go. For me that is the toughest part. I've broken down and gone with a beginners training schedule this time. I mean really...who am I kidding. I haven't been running regularly for almost six months! I'm excited to get started though. It's a big commitment and I'm ready to take the dive!

The training starts in T-minus four days! I can't wait!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Accountability

Okay, here's the deal. Next year I'm going to run my first marathon. I haven't picked which one yet because I'm hoping to score a sweet job/internship not too long after new years, and that will help me narrow down the races I can run. The first one will be in the spring, and I'll probably run another one in the fall.

This blog will be my accountability to my training. Yes, paying for the race and having it set in stone helps, but there's nothing like an accountability partner to make things happen. I plan on finding a Front Runners club in the city I move to so I have people to entertain me during the long runs later in the training.

I'll write about how my training is going, nutrition, asthma, and everything else running. I love it and see so many benefits to it, and I hope to share those feelings with you. Maybe I'll help inspire you to give running a chance too!

My official training will kick off in the new year. Right now I'm pre-training so that my lungs don't go into shock, and so that my left ankle doesn't get angry with me again. One thing I've learned from 10 years of running is that you've got to work yourself into it, you can't just start running six miles out of now where.

Here we go! Happy running!